Wimar Bolhuis chief economist at research-based consultancy firm Ecorys
As chief economist, Bolhuis will conduct research on topical economic issues. Besides this position, he will remain active as a lecturer at the Department of Economics at Leiden Law School.

With more than 500 economists and consultants, Ecorys is a leading international research and consultancy company specialised in social-economic and spatial matters. Formerly known as the Netherlands Economic Institute, more than 100 researchers and consultants based in Rotterdam and Amsterdam now work at Ecorys NL.
The company is very pleased to welcome Bolhuis, who took up his new position on 1 November 2021. 'The knowledge and experience that Wimar has built up in the past years are perfectly suited to the broad field of knowledge in which Ecorys is active. We are therefore certain he will make a valuable contribution to our clients’ work and expand our role in the current social challenges’, writes the company on its website (in Dutch).
'Ecorys is a leading economic research and consultancy firm that does outstanding work on major social issues’, Bolhuis says about his new employer. 'The expertise of its staff is broad, their quality is high, and their advice has a significant impact on policy. I am delighted to be able to work here and combine this position with my appointment at Leiden University.'
Wimar Bolhuis holds master’s degrees in economics, public administration and social psychology. In 2018 he received his PhD for the dissertation ‘From Words to Agreement: An analysis of the parties’ choices in the assessments of election manifestors and coalition agreements by the CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis, 1986-2017’. In the past he has worked for the Government Finance Inspectorate of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment as a political assistant to the state secretary and at the Social and Economic Council as deputy director social affaris.