What to watch during LUVEfest: three suggestions
On 8, 9 & 10 October 2021 Share the LUVE takes place, the graduation show with work of this year’s graduates of the Cultural Anthropology master Visual Ethnography. In three days 22 films, a graphic novel, artwork and photos will be presented in De Buurt, close to Leiden Central Station. If case you don’t have time to watch them all, we will give you three suggestions.
The festival kicks off on Friday at 13.30 with an introduction by the coordinator of the Visual Ethnography master Mark Westmoreland followed by a talk from researcher Erik from the Dutch Institute of Sound and Vision (Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid). At 15:00 the first films will be screened. The programme is divided into slots with two screenings. After every slot, there is a break and time to meet the researcher, visit the toilet and get some fresh air or a drink!

Friday: What ever happened to Jean Rouch’s 2CV by Jerome Blumber
Jean Rouch was a French anthropologist and filmmaker. In 1995 he gave his old 2CV to Jerome Blumber. Blumber was born in 1951 in Paris and has been making movies since he was 20 years old. In 2004, after Rouch died in Niger, Blumber moved to Amsterdam with the 2CV. Unfortunately, the car was too rotten to use on the road and Blumber dreamt of fixing it. In the first weeks of 2021, the reconstruction of the car started and became the object of this fieldwork. In What ever happened to Jean Rouch's 2CV? Blumber explores the concept of bricolage and the film narrates the adventure through several characters encountered along the way.

Saturday: Tacit Traces by Simone Loth
In Tacit Traces, Simone Loth illustrates how interrelated and conflicting narratives of self-identification as mixed-race raise issues about intergenerational trauma from the past and its emotional impact on the present. In her film, Loth conveys the different perspectives from which she and two of her family members negotiate their ethnic backgrounds and reflects the emotional charge that emerged while searching for questions about our history and the inherited silence' as part of their Indo heritage.

Sunday: Not My Truth by Alice Elliot
In Not My Truth Alice Elliot explores the Dutch-speaking truth seeker community. People who claim that the corona restrictions are a first step towards a dystopian, global and totalitarian regime. By using a reflexive approach, her film discusses both the thought and experiences of this community as well as Elliot’s experiences making this documentary, which made her face and sometimes cross her own limits.
More information about the other films, filmmakers and the full programme can be found on luvefest.nl.