Now available: a practical guide to preprints
A useful hands-on guide to preprints is now available for researchers. It provides anwers to some urgent questions. What are preprints? What are the advantages and disadvantages to posting preprints? What are the implications for (my) research?
The Dutch consortium of university libraries and the National library of the Netherlands (UKB) has published a practical guide on preprints in cooperation with the Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU) and the Dutch Research Council (NWO).
The effort was coordinated by the Leiden University Libraries’ Centre for Digital Scholarship.
Preprints are (academic) manuscripts that have not been peer-reviewed or published in a traditional publishing venue. In Open Science and academic publishing, the preprint increasingly appears on the radar as an important element in academic communication. By posting preprints, academics can rapidly share their findings and build upon each other’s work.
But, to what extent do preprints differ from articles published in an academic journal? How do you post a preprint article, and in which preprint archive? How should one interpret the research results published through preprints?
About the guide
The guide aims to support both researchers and members of the general public (journalists, patients, healthcare workers, etc.) from, but not limited to, the Netherlands, answering these and other questions through sharply defined chapters and frequently asked questions. You can download the guide here.
The Open Access Team at the CDS is happy to answer any questions from Leiden researchers via e-mail: openaccess@library.leidenuniv.nl.