Kick-off HU “Time to Recharge” Week!
This week is the annual Healthy University Week at Leiden University and the LUMC , and the theme this year is: “Time to Recharge”! It’s going to be a week filled with lively activities ranging from brief energizers and interesting lunch lectures to interactive workshops about things that can help us recharge our batteries!
Team Healthy University Leiden has put together a full programme to boost your and your colleagues’ energy levels! During this week you can find out about simple relaxation techniques, and learn ways of reducing stress, managing your energy or increasing your mental resilience. You can get started straight away with tips and tricks to help you work on a more energetic version of yourself. Our best tip: make time to rest and revitalise yourself!
Take a look at the HU Time to Recharge Week programme here or read further for a glimpse of what’s on offer:
- Start the day by focusing your attention inwards. We’ll start every morning this week from 08.00-08.45 hrs. with a relaxing form of yoga. A yoga ritual helps you start the day refreshed with new energy!
- Energy is one of the most important predictors of success! But how do you create energy and how do you get it to flow? Our workshops (daily at 10.00 hrs. and 14.00 hrs.) teach you more about such things as balance, rhythm, resilience and the right sources of energy.
- Every day at 11.00 hrs. we will take a short break (20 mins) for an energizer. During this office work-out you can loosen up your neck, back and shoulders, give your circulation a boost and relax your muscles. Afterwards you’ll be able to carry on with your day filled with new energy.
- Every day at 12.00 hrs. we have a live lunch webinar with keynote speakers: Hidde de Vries will give us an insight into his #Recharge philosophy, Kiki Vreeling will explain the effect of mindfulness meditation, our own Professor David van Bodegom will get us to ‘think differently about vitality ’, Mark Schadenberg will emphasise the importance of good sleep and how to improve it, and Klaas Koster will tell us about the many sources of energy available to us.
- In a demanding society there is often too little opportunity to pay attention to yourself, but active movement is an effective way to relax. Join us from 17.00-17.45 hrs. with low-impact sports sessions at the University Sports Centre so that at the end of the day you will feel fit and in balance.
- On Thursday and Friday our Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (FSW) students will give a number of workshops (45 minutes each) on lifestyle-related themes. Have you always wanted to know more about the right kind of food, healthy screen use or the consequences of stress? Then now’s your chance to sign up for one of the workshops and get started straight away with useful tips and advice.
Take a look at the complete programme and get more details about all the activities in our dossier. Sign up quickly because for some activities the places are limited. All the activities are free for members of staff of Leiden University and the LUMC.