Study programmes and institutes due to start working with Programme Standards in the new academic year
The Faculty of Humanities is launching the Programme Standards project with the aim of distributing the teaching effort more transparently and fairly. In June, the Faculty Council approved the Programme Standards project on the condition that it would include enough evaluation moments, a condition that has since been met. Starting in the new academic year, the study programmes that are not yet optimised will work in phases to adjust their programme to the curriculum guideline. The institutes will also start implementing the lecturer-education-time model (DOT) and task assignment model in the field of education, research and management and operations (TOOB).
Implementation under condition of a more extensive evaluation framework
In June, the Faculty Council approved the Programme Standards project on the condition that it would include a sufficient number of evaluation moments. The project, with the addition of an extended evaluation framework, was adopted by the Faculty Board in July. The evaluation framework includes an important role for a still-to-be-appointed sounding board group consisting of staff and students, and the Faculty Council and programme committees will also be involved in assessing the effectiveness of the Programme Standardsas a tool. In addition, the Faculty Board has agreed to take active measures to see that the Programme Standards are applied in a comparable manner.
Programme Standards for optimal education
The Programme Standards project provides further guidelines on how to structure education to distribute the teaching effort at the Faculty transparently and fairly and organise programmes to optimise teaching and make it more effective. This should also free up time for research. The Programme Standards project is a policy instrument distinguishing three models, which together make up a coherent framework:
- Curriculum guideline
- Lecturer-education-time model (DOT)
- Task assignment model in the area of education, research and management and operations (TOOB)
Find out more about these three models here.
Phased introduction of the curriculum guideline by the programmes
In late 2020, the programme boards submitted a plan of action for each programme setting out proposals on how to structure the curriculum more effectively while safeguarding the quality of teaching. The plans were analysed by the Education Advice and Quality Assurance (O&K) team and provided with feedback in consultation with the vice-deans. The programmes that need restructuring will start to implement the Programme Standards in phases in the new academic year. Small programme changes deriving from the plan of action can be implemented in the 2021-2022 academic year. More substantial curriculum changes will be implemented starting from the 2022-2023 academic year.
Implementation of lecturer-education-time model and task assignment model
Our ambition is to apply the lecturer-education-time model (DOT) and the task assignment model in the area of education, research and management and operations (TOOB) to staff deployment in the 2022-2023 academic year. In preparation for this shift, we will study the effect of DOT on staff deployment in the coming year. This is primarily an administrative test of DOT as a calculation method. We still need to formulate a project proposal for the implementation of DOT and TOOB, including a critical timeline.
Find out more about previous developments concerning the Programme Standards project here.