New composition of the Board of the Institute of Psychology
As of 1 September 2021 Andrea Evers has been appointed Scientific Director and will represent the institute at faculty and university level as chair of the Board of the Institute of Psychology. Eric van Dijk will take on the personnel and finance domains and Sander Nieuwenhuis will take on the research domain. Pascal Haazebroek has been found willing to stay on as Director of Studies.
A good start wished to this new Board of the Institute in the new academic year. Many thanks go to Philip Spinhoven, interim Scientific Director of the Institute of Psychology until 1 September 2021.
Support of the Board
The support of the Board will be provided by Corry Donner as board secretary. She will in turn be supported by Atie Breugem.
Head of the Institute Office and business operations
Paula van den Bergh will continue as head of the Institute Office, supported by Emmy Zwetsloot-van Reisen (coordinator business operations).