How do you get fit after these challenging times? How do you actively start a healthy lifestyle? Healthy University Leiden would like to address these topics during the upcoming from #COVID to #GOFIT Week, which will take place from 21 to 25 June 2021.
The corona virus has affected us all, also when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle. The corona measures have, for many of us, made us switch to a more sedentary lifestyle. Nowadays, adults spend more time at home, move 33% less and sit 28% more, which is a shame as living a healthy lifestyle has never been more important! Would you like to get started with your own health after these challenging times? Join us for our Healthy University Leiden from COVID to GOFIT Week. View our program here.
Full program
Due to the corona measures, the Healthy University - from COVID to GOFIT Week 2021 will still take place online, however that has not held Healthy University Leiden back from creating a program full of interesting inspirational talks, office work-outs and sports lessons. Our inspiration talks (with, among others, Nienke Wijnants, Kiki Vreeling and David van Bodegom) do not only have to be followed from behind your screen or PC, but can also be listened to outside or during an active or walking lunch break. In addition, we are committed to new fun initiatives such as Mindful Walking and WATs (Walking Apart Together). Put on your walking shoes and join in!
Check our schedule
Are you are eager to learn more about the role of lifestyle in relation to COVID-19? Interested to know about the importance of sleep and healthy foods to improve your immunity? Or how a positive mindset can help you through this corona time? Check our schedule to see which workshops might spark your interest. All the activities are free and accessible for all employees of Leiden University and the LUMC. Be quick to sign up as there is a limited capacity for some activities!
About Healthy University
Both Leiden University and LUMC are part of Healthy University Leiden. We strive to create a learning environment and organizational culture that enhances the health and well-being of students and employees while promoting sustainability. We achieve these goals, by organizing vitality weeks for our employees, amongst other activities. We have also bundled useful tips and tricks for a healthy lifestyle in our online HU @ Home file. Don't forget to take a look there too!