Let your voice be heard!
Until Friday 21 May 2021 (16:00), you can cast your online vote for up to seven candidates for the Faculty Council. Curious who our candidates are and what they stand for?

Evelien Wolthuis (Psychologie)
Together we are the faculty! My name is Evelien Wolthuis, I work as policy officer at the Institute of Psychology. I would like to serve a second term on the Faculty Council to work on a connection between both support and scientific staff and students from all institutes to build a healthy, constructive and cheerful Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences.
Suzanne Mol (Education and Child Studie)
Suzanne Mol (Assistant professor, Education and Child Studies): It's really important to me that policy on inclusivity and diversity is formulated in such a way that it can actually be implemented so that FSW will become a more inclusive environment for staff and students. I also like to contribute to the recognition and reward of lecturers, for instance by helping to improve the transparancy on career opportunities.
Marian Hickendorff (Education and Child Studies)
I'd like to highlight high-quality education at FSW in the faculty council, for example by stressing that more time and money should be allocated to providing permanent contracts and the professionalization of lectureres. Furthermore, I am dedicated to help realize a healthy balance between research and teaching, in which scientific staff really gets the time to conduct good research.
Marloes van Moort (Education and Child Studies)
I'm Marloes van Moort, PhD candidate Educational Sciences, lecturer Education and Child Studies and board member of the PhD Platform FSW. In my capacity as board member of the PhD Platform I represented the PhD candidates in our faculty for the past few years (e.g., by advising the Faculty Board on matters that concern PhD candidates) and I want to use this experience to make sure that PhD candidates and colleagues with a temporal (teaching)contract are represented in the faculty council and that their voices are heard when making faculty policy.
Monique Tromp (OSC)
I am Monique Tromp and I consider FSW my second home. In 2004 I moved from Aruba to the Netherlands to study Psychology and after graduation I decided to stay and work at the Institute. In 2013 I had the opportunity to join the Student Services Centre (SSC) and currently I am the team leader of the SSC in The Hague. With your vote, I want to focus on maintaining a good and safe working environment and improving career opportunities for the (support) staff.

Tim Mickler (Political Science)
The FSW is a great place to work, but I see worrisome developments among staff members. I want to stand up for all employees, look at existing and proposed policies with a critical eye and present our needs clearly and effectively.
Inge van der Weijden (CWTS)
My name is Inge Van der Weijden and I work at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) as researcher, PhD coordinator and lecturer. From 2016-2018 I was a member of the University Council and chairman of the staff party 'Universitair Belang'. I will take this experience with me to the Faculty Council. Keywords: transparant, connecting, recognizing and rewarding.
Gert-Jan Lelieveld (Psychology)
I am Gert-Jan Lelieveld, assistant professor at the Social, Economic and Organizational Psychology Unit. In my 13 years at the Institute of Psychology, I have collaborated with many colleagues both within the Institute and beyond, and have gained a great deal of experience working in different positions and committees throughout the Faculty, which has given me a good insight into which aspects are working well and which need to be improved. I am committed to improving the work-life balance, the research-teaching balance, and transparency within the FSW.
Jan Jansen (CA-DS)
During the past 30 years, in positions varying from chair of a research school's PhD-council to Director of Studies, I have witnessed a consistent problem: how the plans and desires of one group often unintentionally increase work pressure on other ones. I want to use these experiences to fight for a faculty where every employee feels seen and acknowledged.
Kiki Zanolie (Psychologie)
I am Kiki Zanolie (Developmental & Educational Psychology Unit since 2012) and I prefer a positive critical view at issues within the faculty. I am able to connect different layers within the faculty and departments by listening with an open mindset, and by thinking in possibilities. I would gladly represent your voice and will keep committing myself to improving work pressure, equal opportunities and transparent policy.

Sanne de Vet (Education and Child Studies)
My name is Sanne, I am a third-year PhD candidate in the Parenting, Child Care and Development programme group and I think it is important that the interests of PhD candidates are included in the decision-making process within the faculty.
"Education in the faculty can count on great commitment from the Faculty Council. That is a good thing for me as vice dean, because their often constructive, critical questions and useful advice improve education policy. For example, at the request of the Faculty Council, the accessibility of education for students with a functional disability was discussed. And on the advice of the Faculty Council, we now have, among other things, wheelchair-accessible and adjustable tables in specific lecture halls in the Pieter de la Court Building."
Kristiaan van der Heiden
Vice-dean Faculty Board FSW