University history complete: Otterspeer presents fourth volume
At the Dies Natalis Willem Otterspeer, Professor Emeritus of University History, presented the fourth and final volume of Groepsportret met Dame, his series on the history of Leiden University. De 'Strategie van de Aanpassing' covers the period 1876-1975. Otterspeer talked about his book in a podcast with Onno Blom.
At the Dies Natalis Willem Otterspeer, Professor Emeritus of University History, presented De Strategie van de Aanpassing (1876-1975) (The Strategy of Adaptation), the fourth and final volume of Groepsportret met Dame, his series on the history of Leiden University: ‘In its long history the University has always proven a delicate balancing act,’ he said. ‘This last volume is about the balance between tradition and innovation. It was, in fact, by embracing tradition that Leiden University was able to find an answer to the challenges of the modern era. The question remains: are we still a university? Or are we a multiuniversity? Legal scholar Van Vollenhoven sought inspiration in biology and linguistics. Astronomer Oort called on the assistance of the sinologist Duijvendak to determine the precise date on which his Crab Nebula was first observed (4 July 1054). Cross overs are not only the preservation but also the value of the modern university.’