Philip Spinhoven acting Scientific Director Institute of Psychology
Professor Philip Spinhoven has been appointed acting Scientific Director of the Institute of Psychology until 1 September 2021. He succeeds Michiel Westenberg who resigned from the position 1 January 2021, because he could no longer combine the responsibilities of Scientific Director with his academic duties.
It has been clear for some time that it is not an easy task to combine the administrative responsibility for a university institute with academic duties, especially for an institute as large as Psychology. In order to arrive at a better equipped administrative organisation in the long term, the Institute of Psychology has suggested to the Faculty Board that a work group be appointed under external supervision. Han de Winde, Professor of Industrial biotechnology and ex-Vice Dean of the Faculty of Science has been found willing to take on this role. The advice of the work group to the Faculty Board about the profile of the scientific management of the institute, the relationship between the institute and the faculty, and the administrative organisation and culture of the institute is expected before the summer.
The advice of the work group to the Faculty Board about the profile of the scientific management of the institute, the relationship between the institute and the faculty, and the administrative organisation and culture of the institute is expected before the summer.