- Location
Koningin Julianaplein 10 (13th floor)
2595 AA The Hague
The opening hours below apply only during teaching periods and lecture reservations. Reservations can be viewed via MyTimetable.
Monday to Thursday
08:30 - 18:00
9:00 - 16:30
A valid LU card is required for access to this building.
Saturday and Sunday
Wheelchair-accessible parking space
About 250 metres away in the Interparking car park on Korte Voorhout or in Plein Parking on Plein.
- The route to the entrance is paved and level.
- There is an automatic sliding door of approx. 100 cm wide.
Reception is located about 16 metres away on the left or right side after exiting the lift (depending on the lift selected).
071 - 527 7015.
Wheelchair-accessible toilets
On the ground floor between the Spanish Steps and the escalator, about 16 metres from the entrance.
The entrance to the building can only be reached via the lift of office building Stichthage. This is approximately 9 metres away on the right side of the general entrance.
Possible obstacles
Main doors and classroom doors do not open automatically.
University parking facilities
Parking spaces on Leiden University campuses are limited. Do you have an appointment with one of our staff members? Please mention that you are coming by car; if possible, a parking spot will be arranged for you in one of our parking facilities.
Municipal parking facilities
Are you visiting the Hortus botanicus, student centre Plexus or one of our faculties in the centre of Leiden? There are (limited) opportunities for paid parking on the streets and along the canals. An alternative is Parking Leiden Haagweg car park, which is easily accessible from the access roads to Leiden. A free shuttle bus will take you to any location in the centre of Leiden and pick you up again at any time. You can also walk: the car park is about 15 minutes' walk from the city centre.
- Locations, tariffs ans permits
- Ehrenfestgarage Leiden Bio Science Park
- Westerdijkgarage Leiden Bio Science Park