About 250 metres away in Interparking on Korte Voorhout or in Plein Parking on Plein. Location on the city map
The route to the entrance is paved and level.
There is a wheelchair-accessible revolving door.
The entrance is about 100 cm. wide.
There is a doorbell.
Reception immediately to the right after the entrance.
070 - 800 9300
Wheelchair-accessible toilet
After the entrance, turn left for 5 metres, then turn right and continue for 7 metres on the left side of the room. The wheelchair accessible toilet is then located on the left.
After the entrance, turn left for 5 metres, then the lift is 15 metres away on the right-hand side
Possible obstacles
The revolving door at the entrance is not automatic.
In front of the entrance is a staircase with 9 steps of about 15 cm each.
The lift is sometimes out of order, leaving only the ground floor accessible to those who need to use a lift.
Not all glass walls and doors are marked.
Doors in the building must be opened by hand.
Campus The Hague comprises three locations, all right at the administrative heart of the city. Students, researchers and staff of Leiden University have found a place here that offers them a direct link to the main themes of The Hague, such as public administration and security.
Leiden University welcomes events that are educational, inspiring and socially engaged and that have a direct report with the education and research offered at Campus The Hague. With its various conference halls, lecture rooms and ‘Spanish Steps’, Campus The Hague is an excellent venue for all sorts of events, from presentations and workshops to conventions and seminars.
Please find information about the rooms and their facilities in this presentation.
If you would like to know more about the possibilities, please feel free to contact Jamy van Baarsel and/or Joany Doornik, Event Coordinators Campus The Hague at: events@fgga.leidenuniv.nl.