Universiteit Leiden

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Rijnsburgerweg 10
2333 AA Leiden

Monday to Friday: 08:30 - 17:00 hrs
Saturday and Sunday: closed

Wheelchair-accessible parking space

In the car park of the Poortgebouw (paid parking, PIN only).


  • Wheelchair users and the visually impaired can use the obstacle-free entrance from the car park on the east side.
  • The door opens automatically.
  • The entrance is 88 cm wide.


The reception of the VGM department, on the 3rd south floor.
071 - 527 8015

Wheelchair-accessible toilet

After the south entrance, continue straight on for about 20 metres. The toilet is on the right after this.


After the south entrance, continue straight ahead for about 25 metres. The lift is on the left after this.

Possible obstacles

  • The route to the entrance consists of street tiles.
  • The entrance from the station side is only accessible via a swing gate.
  • There is a threshold of about 2 cm high at the entrance.

Visitors can use paid parking (PIN only) in the car park of the Poortgebouw.

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