- Location
Bargelaan 180
2333 CW Leiden
Wheelchair-accessible parking space
On Bargelaan opposite the northern entrance to Leiden Central Station.
Location on the city map
- The route to the entrance is paved and level.
- There is an automatic revolving door and a door with a grab hook.
- The entrance is about 140 cm wide.
- There is no threshold.
- There is a doorbell.
Reception about 30 metres after the entrance, on the left side of the main stairs.
0172 - 44 83 83
Wheelchair-accessible toilets
After the entrance about 45 metres straight ahead. Turn left at the self-service square. Then the toilet is about 6 metres away.
After the main entrance on the station side, immediately turn left. The lifts are about 7 metres away.
Parking for employees
Employees of Leiden Univeristy can park in the Rijnveste parking garage with a parking pass (linked to your LU Card).
Parking for visitors
Visitors can park in the Rijnveste parking garage for a fee (pin only).
You can also park directly under the Level building. See for more information Parking Centrum Leiden.