Media spotlight on neutrino detection by underwater telescope
Scientists have detected a neutrino with the highest energy ever measured. Leiden physicists Maarten de Jong and Dorothea Samtleben were involved in this project, which was widely covered in newspapers and online media last week.
The telescope that observed this cosmic neutrino on 13 February 2023 is located on the seabed of the Mediterranean, at a depth of 3,450 metres. The detected particle has almost no mass but carries 10,000 times the energy ever generated in the largest particle accelerators on Earth, such as the one at CERN near Geneva. Where the particle comes from is still unclear. The researchers have identified twelve potential sources for the particle, most of which are active galaxies with a black hole at their centre.

The scientists have published their findings on this neutrino detection in Nature.
Dutch media
NRC - Detector in aanbouw meet bij Sicilie het meest energierijke neutrino ooit.
Volkskrant - Wetenschappers vangen meest energierijke spookdeeltje ooit gemeten
NOS - Neutrino met hoogste energie ooit gedetecteerd, dachten wel dat ze bestonden
De Ingenieur - Succes voor onderzees meetnetwerk
International media
NY Times - Astrophysics universe neutrinos
Washington post - Neutrino cosmos universe astronomers
Scientific American - The most energetic neutrino ever seen makes a mediterranean splash
CNN Edition - Energetic neutrino particle detection
Reuters.com - High energy cosmic neutrino detected under mediterranean sea
New Scientist - Record breaking neutrino spotted tearing through the mediterranean sea
Physics APS - An Ultrahigh Neutrino Detection Makes Waves
Phys.org - 3.5 kilometers underwater, scientists found a staggeringly energetic particle from outer space
ABCnews - Deep-sea neutrino telescope spots energetic ghost particle
APNews.com - High energy neutrino ghost particle
The independant - A telescope under the sea has spotted the most energetic ghost particle yet
The Economist - A Neutrino Telescope spots the signs of something cataclysmic