Why is the formation process in Belgium so complex?
The Belgian elections are over. Now it is up to the formateur to form a cabinet, but that appears to be difficult. Fauke Deceuninck, program leader of Politics and Governance at the Center for Professional Learning, explains to Speechmakers why that is.
Political scientist Fauke Deceuninck explains on Spraakmakers (KRO-NCRV) why the Belgian cabinet formation is difficult. The system is complex and there are tensions due to strict language rules and political antagonisms between Flemish and French-speaking parties. Deceuninck comments, 'I don't think we will have a government before the end of the year.'
One of the things that makes the formation a complex matter, is that the Flemish parties must form a government together with the French parties. 'There is a rule that says there has to be language parity. And a federal government means that there must be as many French-speaking as Dutch-speaking ministers in a government,' explains Deceuninck.
Read the full article and listen to the audio clip on Speechmakers of 11 November here (in Dutch).