Universiteit Leiden

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Bart Custers comments on Telegram’s catalogue of crimes

Messenging app Telegram is not faring well in the news, the reason being the illicit activities occurring on the platform. Bart Custers helped Dutch current affairs programme ‘EenVandaag’ respond to questions about the platform.

Bart Custers

Telegram often gets negative press because all kinds of activities are permitted on the platform. If something illegal is reported, there’s usually no intervention, says Bart Custers, Professor of Law and Data Science at eLaw, Center for Law and Digital Technology, on EenVandaag (11 September 2024).  Illicit activities include drug trafficking, arms trafficking, but also child pornography and violence – so, a catalogue of crimes.

In France, the founder and CEO of Telegram was arrested earlier this month for allegedly facilitating criminal activity on the platform. Custers points out that if you facilitate crime on your platform, are aware it’s happening and take no action, then the platform itself is responsible. But even if the CEO disappears behind bars, Bart Custers doesn't expect much will change because that would affect the platform’s revenue model.

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