K-pop industry violates basic human rights
Beneath the glittering surface image of K-pop idols lies the Dorian Grey-like heart of an industry that abuses and discards its trainees and stars. It is a system of absolute power, that will be unable to uphold its image of a positive global influence. According to Aleydis Nissen, researcher at Leiden Law School, in an article in The Diplomat.

Scandals are common in the K-pop industry; money that is being withheld by the company representing the artist and artists who are forced to perform despite testing positive for Covid-19. Not to mention the inhuman training schedules, no-dating policy, and sexualisation of minors.
According to Nissen and co-author Brandon Valeriano, South Korea has been actively supporting its entertainment industry as an engine of 'soft power' and economic growth for too long. Yet, when it comes to its duty to protect human rights, it has failed to deliver. The country should start to ensure that K-pop agencies respect human rights by using legal means.
You can read the full article in The Diplomat.