Research Gold Matters in Volkskrant report on Burkina Faso
In October 2021 the Volkskrant published the article 'Rond de bloedgoudmijnen van Burkina Faso heerst de angst voor terreur' (Around the blood-gold mines of Burkina Faso, the fear of terror rules). In this report Carlijne Vos describes how Burkina Faso is rapidly destabilising. The lucrative gold mines are the main stage for Islamic and ethnic fighting groups. This article is partly based on the policy letter published last month by the Leiden research programme Gold Matters together with the Nordic Africa Insitute. CAOS-researchers Sabine Luning, Peter Pels and Esther van de Camp are connected to this Gold Matters project.
Read the summary of the Nordic Africa Institute meeting with Burkinabe, Swedish, Danish and Dutch policy makers working in ministries, embassies and NGOs written by Sabine Luning.
Read the Policy Note Insecurity in Burkina Faso.
Read the report with photos, videos and data on the website of de Volkskrant (In Dutch): Rond de bloedgoudmijnen van Burkina Faso heerst de angst voor terreur.