Tanja Masson-Zwaan: 'Rules in space are to everyone’s advantage'
Space is of enormous strategic value. Having rules in space therefore is to everyone’s advantage.
'Developments in space travel are evolving quickly, especially with the ongoing commercialisation’, says Masson-Zwaan in an interview with LDE, the collaboration between Leiden University, TU Delft and Erasmus University. The alliance recently launched the new LDE Space for Science and Society programme.
'I consider it a privilege to help establish a safe, sustainable and clear legal framework for this dynamic and interesting field.' As a member of the European research consortium, space traffic management is currently a topic taking up much of her time. 'It’s not only about space debris and collisions. The tens of thousands of small satellites launched by commercial companies can be a nuisance when it comes to astronomical observations from earth, such as those carried out by the Leiden Observatory, our sister institute.'