Luning and Van de Camp about the research programme Gold Matters on NWO website
Illegally working with pans and mercury for a gram of gold? The international research programme Gold Matters adjusts and nuances this one-sided view policymakers have of small-scale gold miners. The programme focuses on conversations with the gold miners themselves: how do they see their future? This focus can lead to new perspectives on sustainability and ways of working. ‘Amazement is very productive.’ In an interview on the website of the NWO, Sabine Luning, Marjo de Theije and Esther van de Camp talk about the gold miners they met in various African and South American countries and they come to new insights.
In the interview they talk about the research programme Gold Matters, where nineteen researchers from different countries including the Netherlands, Brazil, Burkina Faso, the United Kingdom and Sweden are collaborating with gold miners and artists in a transdisciplinary manner. The aim: visualising how mining takes place in the landscape and how that will influence the future of people and the natural environment.