'Reception of refugees in the region only possible with support from Europe'
The objective of many European countries is to provide reception facilities for refugees in their own region. Here in the Netherlands a new coalition agreement is in the making and Professor Jorrit Rijpma reflects on his own research to give advice and tips.

Migration and asylum remain controversial issues, writes Rijpma together with Professor Thea Hilhorst in an opinion article published in Dutch newspaper Het Parool. 'Politicians appear united in their preference for reception of refugees in the region of origin. Host States then provide support by offering a humane and respectful reception to refugees, and it is of course less expensive than offering asylum in Europe. That suits the parties to the right, but it also offers the parties on the left a way out. Help will still be provided, but just somewhere else. What’s more, it will stop refugees embarking on a dangerous journey to Europe in flimsy boats.'
Rijpma and Hilhorst are both affiliated to the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Research Centre Governance of Migration and Diversity.