ICT-contact persons
For each university unit, the ICT Shared Service Centre (ISSC) has an appointed ICT contact person responsible for applying for ICT facilities for research, teaching and operational management.
Faculty or unit | Name |
African Studies Centre | Jos Damen |
Archol | Liesbeth Mol |
ASSC –Administrative Shared Service Centre | Marianne van Velthuijsen |
Administration and Central Services | Marianne van Velthuijsen |
Real Estate Directorate | Mark van Beijnen or IM Real estate |
Faculty of Archaeology | Jasper Kanbier |
Faculty of Humanities | Lynn de Frank |
Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs | Cameron Hope |
Faculty of Law | Rick Schreuder Thom Blonk |
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences | René Ouwerkerk |
CWTS - Centrum voor Wetenschap en Technologische Studies | Nees Jan van Eck or Hans den Os |
Faculty of Science (W&N) | Johan Detollenaere |
W&N - IIBL Institute of Biology Leiden | Jacqueline Ouwehand |
W&N - CML Centre of Environmental Sciences Leiden | Milan Oostwouder Pauline Offerhaus Milan Oostwouder |
W&N - LACDR Leiden Academic Center for Drug Research | Thomas Klompmaker |
W&N - LIACS Leiden Instituut of Advanced Computer Science | Eline Huisjes or Abdel El Boujadayni |
W&N - LIC Leiden Institute of Chemistry | Michel Olsthoorn |
W&N - LION Leiden Institute of Physics | |
W&N - Lorentz Center | Paul de Hoog |
W&N - Mathematical Institute | Hanneke Langeveld |
W&N - Leiden Observatory | |
HOVO Higher Education for Senior Citizens (HOVO) | Frank Imthorn |
Hortus Botanicus | Yara Peterse |
ICT Shared Service Centre | Wim van den Berg or Michel Bijlard |
ICLON | Karel Roos |
IIAS International Institute for Asian Studies | Cherelle Karsseboom or Martina van den Haak |
Institute for Dutch language | Marco van der Laan |
Jobmotion | Atie van Loenen |
KITLV (Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies) | Ellen Sitinjak |
LLInC Leiden Learning and Innovation Centre | Melissa Amoros Lark |
Luris | Hetty Meijer |
Naturalis | Marc de Hart |
NINO The Netherlands Institute for the Near East | Carolien van Zoest |
NVIC Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo | Insaf Idrissi |
PLATO (Platform Opleiding, Onderwijs en Organisatie B.V) | Thea Koreman-v.d. Ven |
Student and Educational Affairs | Frank Imthorn |
Studium Generale | Frank Imthorn |
Leiden University Library (UBL) | Hugo de Krijger |
General Services Department (UFB) | Jamy Becker Hof |
University Sports Centre | Victor Rodriguez van Haaren |
Visitor Centre | Frank Imthorn |
In addition to the contact persons listed under the ‘general’ tab, you can also contact the Faculty helpdesk for support in functional issues. If you have a question about Word or Outlook or if you wish to know whether we have specific software for a task you wish to perform, please submit your question to IFZ. See below for contact information. You can also contact IFZ if you have a question about hardware, functional mailboxes, workgroups, guest account, etc.
If you have a request for an ICT service or product, you can submit it via one of the applications forms listed here.