Universiteit Leiden

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Advice from a confidential counsellor

The confidential counsellors are there for you to discuss confidential matters with, such as bullying, intimidation, sexual harassment, aggression or discrimination. You might also want to talk to them about problems with your manager or breaches of academic integrity.

There are different confidential counsellors for different situations:

Confidential counsellor malpractice Confidential counsellor unacceptable behaviour Confidential counsellor personnel affairs Confidential counsellor PhD candidates Confidential counsellor academic integrity

This is what you can expect from a confidential counsellor

What confidential counsellors do – and don’t do What happens after you contact a confidential counsellor? Anonymity and confidentiality guaranteed Examples of how the confidential counsellors can help

Having doubts?

Are you unsure which of the confidential counsellors to approach with a problem or question, or do you want some information about your options for reporting an issue? The central information point is a confidential, and if preferred, anonymous way of contacting a confidential counsellor. You can get in touch via e-maila contact form or by phone 071-527 3128.  

You can also contact the Ombuds Officer for staff. Whereas a confidential counsellor primarily considers your individual situation, the Ombuds Officer focuses on patterns and how the working environment can be made safer.

Appeals and Objections Committee

If you disagree with a decision and are unable to reach an amicable agreement, you can lodge an objection against the decision via the Appeals and Objections Committee. The committee, the secretary and the relevant secretariat have a duty of confidentiality.  All information handled by them is therefore kept strictly confidential.

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