1 - Registration in the Service Portal
The department or faculty/expertise centre where you will be working (or to which you are affiliated) will launch a new registration procedure for you in the Service Portal. This registration includes basic information concerning your new contract or registration, including start and end date, schedule, and, if applicable, salary.
To complete your registration, you need to submit some personal data. Based on this data, you will also be registered in the personnel system, and your ULCN account will be created.
If you have any questions about the details of your registration please get in touch with the contact person of your new unit.
2 - Submitting your data
Once your registration has been created in the Service Portal, you will receive an email asking you to submit your data.
I have an appointment as a salaried employee
You will receive an email with a one-time link asking you to submit personal details. This information is used to create your ULCN account.
Follow the steps in the email to activate your ULCN account and set a password and authentication (MFA).
After you have activated your ULCN-account you will receive an email with the request to provide additional information (such as a bank account). Please enter your data by logging in with your ULCN-account in the Service Portal. Note: You can only log in to the Service Portal with a fully activated account.
I am affiliated with Leiden University as external staff
In the Service Portal, you can find your registration under the ‘Mijn personeelsmutaties/My staff movements’ tile, under the ‘Actie gevraagd/Action required’ tab. You will know that your data has been entered correctly if you see a pop-up asking you whether you are sure you want to submit these data. Your registration will then also disappear from the ‘Actie gevraagd/Action required’ tab.
If you have previously been employed by the university or have been registered as external staff, your old ULCN account is usually reactivated. In this case you will not receive the e-mail to create a ULCN account, only to reactivate it. You can then submit your data in the Service Portal.
Registration tips
Logging into the Service Portal
- Work on a laptop or desktop, not on a mobile device.
- Use a browser set to Dutch or English; Google Chrome works best.
- Log in with your ULCN user name, which you will have received by email, and your chosen password.
- Do not use Google auto fill.
Filling out the form
- Initials: Only enter the initials of your first names, not your surname.
- Surname/partner name: Under surname, please enter your birth surname. Under partner name, you may enter your adopted surname.
- Passport: You must submit both the front and the back of your passport for both Dutch and non-Dutch passports. For Dutch passports, this means the back of the hard card in the passport. The photograph and BSN number must be clearly visible on the scan. You may add a watermark.
- After completing all the fields, click ‘next’ in the right-hand bottom corner.
3 - Processing your registration
Once you have submitted your data, your registration will go through a number of internal checks so that we can be sure that the contract can be drawn up correctly. During this process, it may happen that something needs to be changed in your registration. In some cases, this means that your registration will be sent back to you for approval. If this is the case, you will be informed of it by email.
4 - Receiving contract or confirmation letter
Once all the internal checks have been completed and everything is complete you will receive your contract or confirmation letter via email.
Once you receive this letter and from the start date of your contract your ULCN account will be fully active. You can then log in to the university systems and your email. If you have received a contract, you do still need to send a signed copy in order to receive your salary.
If you work as a temp, you will not receive any letter. If you have any questions about the status of your registration, please contact your supervisor or the Service Point Personnel.
Do you have a problem with your registration? For example, have you not received an e-mail about submitting data, or are you having problems with the link? Below you can read about common issues and frequently asked questions, and what to do in such cases.
I have problems logging in. What can I do?
The link in the email asking me to submit data is no longer valid. Can I get a new link?
An email with a new link will be sent out every four days.
Why did I not receive an email asking me to submit my data or create a ULCN account?
- The email may have ended up in your spam folder. Make sure you check your spam folder first. The email is sent by noreply@leidenuniv.nl.
- It could be that your registration has not yet been entered into the system. Please first ask your contact person whether this has happened.
- If your registration has been put into the system, it could be that a wrong email address was used. Please contact the Service Point Personnel.
I have submitted my data, but I keep getting an automatic email from the Service Portal asking me to submit my data.
Your data probably did not come through properly. Open your registration in an incognito browser window and make sure you enter all data by hand and do not make use of the auto fill option. If the problem persists, please contact the Service Point Personnel.
What should I do if the data concerning my employment is incorrect?
If, for example, a wrong schedule appears in your registration, or if you have a question about your salary scale or workplace, please get in touch with the contact person for your department.
I have a question about the data to be submitted.
I would like to apply for my LU card. Why do I still see an outdated or wrong address in Account Services?
Your registration has probably not yet been fully processed. Once you have received your contract or guest letter, the address you have submitted will appear in your registration in the personnel system. At this point, you can apply for a LU card. If you received your contract already, but it still contains a wrong address, please contact the Service Point Personnel. Or read more information on applying for a LU card.
I have activated my ULCN account. Do I have access to my university email and account straight away?
You will have access to your university mail and account once your registration is fully processed and you have received your contract or confirmation letter.