Universiteit Leiden

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Reporting sick and guidance during sick leave

If you are unable to come to work due to sickness, find out below how to report sick and how the University guides its employees on sick leave.

How do I report sick?

The precise procedure for reporting sick depends on your unit but the following usually applies:

  • Notify your immediate supervisor on the first day of your illness.
  • If you are staying at a different address during your illness, notify your supervisor of this temporary address.
  • Make agreements with your supervisor about how you can be reached by telephone.
  • A report of partial sickness or recovery is based on the percentage of the contractual hours that you have been working. A full-time contract is 38 hours. Your scheduled hours may differ from your contractual hours.

 If necessary, discuss with your supervisor how you can best be monitored during this period and if and how your work can be continued.

You can report sickness or recovery via the Service Portal. This can be done on a laptop, desktop or smartphone.

How do I report that I am better?

Notify your supervisor on the first day that you are better.

Reporting sick on holiday

If you become ill during your holiday, you are required to notify your supervisor. Don’t forget to indicate your holiday address and telephone number so that your employer can contact you.

You can claim back vacation hours as a result of sickness, but only if you notified your supervisor of your illness in the manner described above. You should also be able to demonstrate retroactively that you were in fact ill, for example by providing evidence that you were treated by a doctor or admitted to hospital.

Invitation to make an appointment with the University doctor after 4 weeks

After four weeks of sick leave you will receive a letter with information about the sickness leave process and an invitation to make an appointment yourself with the University doctor. There are then two possibilities.

1. No appointment with the University doctor 

  • You don’t need to make an appointment if you expect to recover in the short term. Discuss this first with your manager.  
  • Notify your manager as soon as you have partially or fully recovered.
  • If your sickness leave is going to last longer than 6 weeks, it is important that you talk to your manager and make an appointment with the University doctor. The University doctor will write a Problem Analysis with recommendations. Then, together with your manager, you will draw up an Action Plan. This is in the context of the Gatekeeper Improvement Act.

2. You do make an appointment with the University doctor  

  • To prepare for the appointment with the University doctor, you should complete the online ‘Information & questions’ form, preferably together with your manager. The form contains questions about the current situation and any agreements made. You can also indicate the questions you want to ask of the University doctor. What would you like to have advice on
  • Submit the form and you will be notified within a few days of the procedure.
  • After the appointment, the University doctor will provide you and your manager with specific advice.

Recently the tile 'Sickness and recovery' in Service Portal has been improved. Below a list of changes:

What has changed?

  • Reporting sickness and recovery via Service Portal can now be done via smartphone
  • The layout of the sickness and recovery report will be simplified
  • One sickness or recovery report for multiple periods of employments for the same employee.

What stays the same?

  • De tile 'Sickness and recovery' can still be found on Service Portal.
  • Nothing will change regarding the existing regulations and agreements on sick leave and reporting illness.
  • The division of roles and tasks in the sick leave process. Therefore, the improved tile does not affect the arrangements within your department.

Who can make the report?

The employee themself, the supervisor or a case manager can make a sickness or recovery report. If necessary, a third party can also make the report. All persons involved in the report are informed via e-mail.

Where to find more information?

An instruction on how to report sickness and recovery can be found in this Knowledge Item in the Helpdesk Portal. More information about the regulations surrounding sick leave can be found on the General tab of this page.

For questions please contact the PSSC Service Point via the Helpdesk Portal or 071 527 5555.

On the first day that you are sick and on the first day that you are well again, you should notify your manager. Preferably before 09:00, or otherwise as soon as possible. This also applies if you become sick during your holiday or when you are on leave.  

Contact your manager via the LUCAS office at lucas@hum.leidenuniv.nl or by phone on 071 527 2166. The notification is forwarded to the HR department and the office of the institute where you are teaching

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