Universiteit Leiden

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Framework Memorandum

The financial developments for the coming years are outlined in the Framework Memorandum. The Memorandum forms the basis of the Planning & Control cycle for each new year. Furthermore, it compares the expected income from the first income stream (government funding and the tuition fee) with the budgets of faculties and units.

The funds that the faculties receive are based on the University’s First Income Stream Allocation Model. The Faculty of Medicine forms an exception here, because it is funded in another manner. For the other units, the Memorandum reveals whether any changes are required to the University contribution that they receive.

The distribution of funds as specified in the Framework Memorandum forms the basis of the budget allocated to the units.

University Council and right to assent

The University Council has the right to assent to the main outline of the annual budget, as described in the Framework Memorandum. The Executive Board therefore asks the University Council to approve the distribution of funds over the main categories: faculties/institutes, supporting services, work budgets and real estate.

Framework Memorandum

Here you can download the framework momorandum of Leiden University. The document is only available in Dutch.

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