Universiteit Leiden

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Co-Participation Day

Wednesday 19 March 2025
Cleveringaplaats 1
2311 BD Leiden

The Humanities Faculty Council is organizing a Day of Co-Participation on Wednesday, March 19th. This day will include a workshop, informal meetings and a conversation with the Faculty Board about the role and importance of (in)formal co-determination in the faculty This day is for students and staff who are involved in or interested in co-determination. Are you a member of a co-participation body such as a program committee and would you like to think together about how the participation can be organized even better, then this day is for you. If you are interested in becoming involved in employee participation, this is an ideal opportunity to learn more about how participation is organized and what your role can be. In May, there will again be elections for the Faculty Council for both staff and student representatives. If you want to stand as a candidate, this is an ideal time to start preparing.

The program

9.00 - 10.30: Workshop with TAQT

The training agency TAQT will provide a workshop on how to work together as co-participation bodies, what the different responsibilities are, and who has a say when.

10.30 - 12.00: Participation consultations

Multiple parallel meetings led by Faculty Council members to discuss how collaboration co-determination can be put into practice.

12.00 - 13.00: Lunch

13.00 - 15.00: Faculty Council meeting | Lipsius 1.48

There will be a Faculty Council meeting with the Faculty Board. This meeting is open to the public and gives you a chance to see the council in action.

15.30 - 16.30: Discussion with the Faculty Board | Lipsius 1.48

In an interactive setting, all members of the Faculty Board, including the new dean and vice-dean, will discuss the role of co-determination within the faculty. The focus will be on the different forms of co-determination and how students and staff can be actively engaged in decision-making processes. A good example is the Finance Committee of the Faculty Council. Here the council is actively involved in the faculty finances, the state of affairs and the decision-making process.

This is a great opportunity to ask your questions, share ideas, and engage in conversation about co-determination and participation within the faculty. Afterwards, you are welcome to continue the discussion over drinks.

Everyone within the faculty is welcome. We look forward to seeing you there!

16.30 - 18.00: Informal drinks | Faculty Club


Want to join? You can register here: https://www.formdesk.com/universiteitleiden/Dagvandemedezeggenschap


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