Universiteit Leiden

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Lecture | Workshop

Business History and Imperialism SI Workshop

Thursday 20 March 2025
Huizinge Conference Room & Arsenaal A1.04

SI Editors

Prof. Stephanie Decker (University of Birmingham, UK), Dr. Nina Kleinöder (Otto-Friedrich-Universität, Bamberg, Germany), Prof. Simon Mollan, (University of York, UK), Dr Kevin Tennent (University of York, UK), Prof. Chibuike Uche (Universiteit Leiden, Netherlands)

Outline Schedule

0900 Welcome Huizinga Conference Room 2.60
0915 Panel 1a Huizinga Conference Room 2.60 & Arsenaal A1.04
1045 Coffee Huizinga Conference Room 2.60
1115 Panel 2a  Huizinga Conference Room 2.60 & Arsenaal A1.04
1245 Lunch Huizinga Conference Room 2.60
1400 Panel 3a Huizinga Conference Room 2.60 & Arsenaal A1.04
1530 Coffee Huizinga Conference Room 2.60
1600 Plenary Huizinga Conference Room 2.60 & Arsenaal A1.04
1700 Drinks/Dinner Pakhuis Leiden


Paper Sessions Schedule

0915 - Panel 1a
Arsenaal A1.04

Chairs: Stephanie Decker and Chibuike Uche

In person or online

Lloyd Melusi Maphosa (Queen’s University Belfast)

Subaltern Capitalism and African Agency: Evidence from South Africa’s First Black Joint Stock Companies
Joint Stock Companies

In Person

Maha Rafi Atal (University of Glasgow)

A Law Unto Itself: Corporate Power and the British Empire in Africa, 1889 to 1965


Christopher Hartwell (Zurich University of Applied Sciences & Kozminski University)

Paul M. Vaaler (University of Minnesota)

Boris Vinogradov (Zurich University of Applied Sciences)

In the Service of the State: Business, Imperialism, and Authoritarian Capitalism

In Person


0915 - Panel 1b
Huizinga 2.60

Chairs: Nina Kleinöder and Kevin Tennent

In person or online

Niamh Brennan (University College Dublin)

Sean Power (Montpellier Business School)

A Royal Principal-Agent Relationship: Insights from a Chartered Company

In Person

Bart Van Holsteijn (Gothenburg University)

Negotiating Corporate Sovereignty: the Chartering of the Society of Berbice in the Early Eighteenth Century Dutch Atlantic.


Nuno Martins (Universidade Católica Portuguesa)

Mozambique’s chartered companies in the age of capitalist colonialism



1115 - Panel 2a
Arsenaal A1.04

Chairs: Stephanie Decker and Nina Kleinöder

In person or online

Niamh Brennan (University College Dublin)

Christopher J. Napier (Royal Holloway, London)

Sean Power (Montpellier Business School)

Annual Report Maps for Propaganda: A Longitudinal British Colonial Case

In Person

Jennifer Confidence (University of Glasgow)

Matthias Nnadi (Cranfield University)

Karen McBride (University of Portsmouth)

Currency Warfare Strategy and Imperialism in Civil Conflicts

In Person

Datong Qiu (Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg)

The Wavering Kelp in Imperial Waters: Two Kelp Purchasing Disputes in Late 19th-Century Hokkaido

In Person


1115 - Panel 2b
Huizinga 2.60

Chairs: Simon Mollan and Kevin Tennent

In person or online

Chris Abdul Hakim Martinez (University of California Los Angles)

Minerals and Decolonization: Bauxite Mining and Struggles for Economic Sovereignty in Guinea (1950-1963)


Klas Rönnbäck (University of Gothenburg)

Kondwani Happy Ngoma (Stockholm School of Economics)

Oskar Broberg (University of Gothenburg)

Investors and decolonization: the varied effects of political independence on the return on investments

In Person

Marusz Lukasiewicz (Leipzig University)

Late-colonial banking, agricultural finance and the cooperative movement: The Co-operative Bank of Western Nigeria, c.1945-1960



1400 - Panel 3a
Arsenaal A1.04

Chairs: Chibuike Uche and Nina Kleinöder

In person or online

Angelica Vasconcelos (Leibniz University Hannover)

Bríscia Rigoni (Federal University of Espírito Santo)

Daren Jubb (University of Dundee)

Mimicry and Resistance: Brazilian Accountants Confronting the Perceived Informal Imperialism of British Auditing Firms in the Early 20th Century


Perez Melendez (University of California, Davis)

Colonization’s Regional Avatars: Markets of Migration across the Brazilian Empire

In Person

Karen McBride (University of Portsmouth)

Jill Atkins (Cardiff University)

An exploration of the ecological pictorial accounts of the East India Company’s biodiversity assets

In Person


1400 - Panel 3b
Huizinga 2.60

Chairs: Kevin Tennent and Simon Mollan

In person or online

Rebekah McCallum (University of Glasgow)

The Managing Agency System in Regional Operation: Recruitment, Restriction, and Regulation of lower management employees on company tea plantations in India, 1901-1938
management employees on company tea plantations in India, 1901-1938


Gijs Dreijer (Leiden University)

Challenge or Opportunity? A Dutch Firm and the Exploitation of Foreign Colonial Empires in West Central Africa (1890s-1910s)

In Person

Giovanni Costenaro (European University Institute)

Eurafrica in Transition: Transimperial Business Networks, MIFERMA, and the Legacies of Imperial Resource Extraction in Mauritania, 1952-1973

In Person


If you want to join (parts of) the workshop, please let Gijs Dreijer know via g.p.dreijer@hum.leidenuniv.nl

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