Together we can: the why and how of climate activism
- Date
- Monday 17 February 2025
- Time
- Address
Van Steenis
Einsteinweg 2
2333 CC Leiden - Room
- Reuvens Hall (Main Hall Van Steenis)
After the labour union talk, we are organising another “together we can”, on climate activism. Perhaps you are uncomfortable with the loudness of activism, don’t see the point and are annoyed by road blockades, or are actually very eager to leave your desk and join on the streets. This meeting is for everybody!
Zephyr from Scientist Rebellion (and astronomy postdoc at Leiden) will join us to first talk about the severity of the climate crisis and then outline in what ways activism can address this. And rest assured, activism comes in many forms so there are many different types of roles and activities you can take up depending on what fits you and not just street protest, like debunking newspaper/online articles, writing opinion pieces, making art, and group coordination and communication.
Please let us know you’re coming, so we can stock the bar accordingly, or if you want to join online or receive the recording afterwards if you cannot make it live: sign-up link.