Universiteit Leiden

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LUCAS “Role of Experience” reading group with Anna Dlabačová and Lieke Smits

Tuesday 28 January 2025
Herta Mohr
Witte Singel 27A
2311 BG Leiden

Come join the next LUCAS “Role of Experience” reading group session! Anna Dlabačová and Lieke Smits will talk about the role of empathy and experiencing religious life for the benefit of their research. They’ll share their experience of participating in monastic life last summer, for their ERC project “PRAYER”, and Lieke will briefly discuss her earlier “research by performance event” about life in religious communities.

Text for reading:

Contact and more information on  "Role of Experience"

Contact: Sophie van Romburgh

More information on the "Role of Experience" cross-cluster research theme can be found on the website of the Platform for Arts Research in Collaboration (PARC)

Learn more about the different research themes at LUCAS

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