Universiteit Leiden

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PhD defence

A Pursuit of Ontological Truth in Aristotle's Philosophy

  • D. Jin
Wednesday 15 January 2025
Academy Building
Rapenburg 73
2311 GJ Leiden


  • Prof.dr. F.A.J. de Haas
  • dr .R.M.van den Berg


How to interpret the concept of truth is a much debated topic in the history of philosophy. The issues related to truth involve language, reality and their correspondence relations.My journey into the concept of truth begins with the contemporary discussion of the classical correspondence theory of truth, but I am directly inspired by Aristotle. He spent his entire life exploring truth: the task of philosophers is to reveal the inherent connection between truth and being. In Aristotle's works, alongside the classical correspondence theory, we find a more fundamental reading of the concept of truth, which I have called ontological truth here. In Metaphysics Θ.10, Aristotle names truth and falsehood as being in the strictest sense. I am intrigued by this statement and wonder if we can find an alternative way to interpret Aristotle's philosophical works as a human pursuit of ontological truth.

PhD dissertations

Approximately one week after the defence, PhD dissertations by Leiden PhD students are available digitally through the Leiden Repository, that offers free access to these PhD dissertations. Please note that in some cases a dissertation may be under embargo temporarily and access to its full-text version will only be granted later.

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