Universiteit Leiden

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The activating podcast method

Monday 18 November 2024
Lunchbytes FGGA & FGW @The Hague
Turfmarkt 99
2511 DP The Hague

How can you get students to collaborate more and increase their engagement? That was the question that lecturer Astrid Van Weyenberg asked herself. Her solution? A method she developed with the help of Nathalie Muffels, in which the use of podcasts ensures that students actively engage with the course material. 

The idea is that the podcasts not only transfer knowledge but also put students to work. Included in the podcast's narrative are assignments so that students practice important skills such as critical thinking, analyzing and reflecting. Students listen to the podcasts and complete the assignments before coming to the seminar: flipping the classroom, in other words. This way, students are well prepared and the lecturer can use their work as a starting point for further exploration. That allows for more interesting conversations during the seminars. As a final assignment, students make their own podcast, in which they can use a lot of creativity. 

In this workshop Astrid and Nathalie will present the set up of the Activating podcast method as well as the challenges they encountered when student numbers increased. 


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