Universiteit Leiden

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Spinoza Lezing 2024

  • Ignacio Martínez de Pisón
Thursday 14 November 2024
Turfmarkt 99
2511 DP The Hague

The Spinoza Lecture 2024 will be given by the novelist Ignacio Martínez de Pisón on 14 November 2024, at 17:15, in the Auditorium of The Hague Campus of Leiden University.  

The Spinoza Conference is an annual event of great relevance for the Spanish-speaking community, which has been organised in the Netherlands since 2005. The conference has been given in previous editions by leading figures in Hispanic literature such as Mario Vargas Llosa, Elena Poniatowska, Antonio Muñoz Molina, Rosa Montero and Isabel Allende, among others. 

This year, the conference is jointly organised by the University of Leiden, the Spanish Embassy and the Cervantes Institute of the Netherlands. 


La conferencia Spinoza 2024 será pronunciada por el novelista Ignacio Martínez de Pisón el 14 de noviembre de 2024, a las 17:15 horas, en el Auditorio del Campus La Haya de la Universidad de Leiden.  

La Conferencia Spinoza es un evento anual de gran relevancia para la comunidad hispanohablante, que se organiza en los Países Bajos desde 2005. La conferencia ha sido impartida en anteriores ediciones por destacadas personalidades de la literatura hispana como Mario Vargas Llosa, Elena Poniatowska, Antonio Muñoz Molina, Rosa Montero o Isabel Allende, entre otros. 

Este año, la conferencia está organizada conjuntamente por la Universidad de Leiden, la Embajada de España y el Instituto Cervantes de los Países Bajos. 

About Ignacio Martínez de Pisón

Ignacio Martínez de Pisón (Zaragoza, 1960) is the author of more than fifteen books, among which stand out the novels Carreteras secundarias (1996); El tiempo de las mujeres (2003); Dientes de leche (2008), winner of the San Clemente Prize and the Giuseppe Acerbi Prize; Tomorrow’s Day (2011), for which she received the Critics’ Prize, the Ciutat de Barcelona Prize and the Aragonese Letters Prize; La buena reputación (2014), winner of the National Narrative Prize and the Cálamo Prize for Book of the Year; Derecho natural (2017); Fin de temporada (2020) and Castillos de fuego (2023). She has also published the essays Enterrar a los muertos (2005), which won the Rodolfo Walsh and Dulce Chacón prizes and was unanimously praised by critics in several European countries, and Filek. El estafador que engañó a Franco (2018); the book of short stories Aeropuerto de Funchal (2009) and, most recently, her memoirs Ropa de casa (2024). Her work has been translated into a dozen languages, including Dutch.

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