Universiteit Leiden

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Join the Anniversary Day of Public Administration!

Wednesday 27 November 2024
Turfmarkt 99
2511 DP The Hague

On Wednesday, 27 November 2024, we will celebrate a special milestone: the 40th anniversary of the Public Administration programme at Leiden University! During this Anniversary Day, we will reflect on the past and look ahead in the company of prominent speakers, alumni, students, and (former) staff members at Wijnhaven, The Hague.

Midlife or Public Administration 3.0?

In 1984, we not only laid the foundation for Public Administration in Leiden but also for the development of the field in the Netherlands. Now, 40 years later, Public Administration is perhaps more relevant than ever. In an era where crises are piling up, society is becoming more polarised, and the gap between government and citizens seems to be widening, the question remains: what impact has our field had, and what does the future demand from us?

What can you expect?

During this Anniversary Day, we will reflect on four decades of insights and developments, while also looking ahead at today’s and tomorrow’s challenges. We have put together an inspiring programme filled with prominent speakers, interactive sessions, and networking opportunities.

We are pleased to welcome speakers such as:

  • Henri Lenferink – Acting King's Commissioner and former Mayor of Leiden
  • Alexandra van Huffelen – Former State Secretary for Kingdom Relations and Digitalisation
  • Tom-Jan Meeus – Political journalist at NRC

In addition, we offer workshops and panel discussions that will enrich your knowledge and perspectives, covering topics such as:

  • Migration in the Netherlands and EU (in English)
  • Fair Decision-Making in the Energy Transition (in English)
  • Civil service craft and activism (in Dutch)

The sessions are led by experts who will take you into their fields and invite you to think together about the future of Public Administration. In addition to the content-rich programme, there will be plenty of opportunities during the break and the reception to catch up with alumni, students and teachers.


11.30-13.00 Registration
12.00-13.00 Buffet lunch
13:00-14:00 Plenary opening featuring Bernard Steunenberg, Jan van Zanen, and Henri Lenferink (in Dutch)
14:00-15:00 Session 1
15:00-15:15 Break
15:15-16:15 Session 2
16:30-17:30 Plenary closing with political cabaret and essay competition award ceremony (in Dutch)
17:30-19:00 Festive reception

14.00 – 15.00 Session round 1

Paneldiscussie: Ambtelijk Activisme – Neutraal of Moreel Verantwoordelijk? Lobbyen & Public Affairs: Twee Kanten van de Strategische Medaille Van Theorie naar Praktijk: Wetenschappelijke Interventies met Impact Cluedo voor Onderzoekers: Een Politiek-Economische Speurtocht naar Maatschappelijke Uitdagingen Migration in the Netherlands and the EU: Myths and Realities (FULL)

15.15 – 16.15 Session round 2

Media en Bestuur – Vraaggesprek met Journalist Tom-Jan Meeus (NRC) Ambtelijk Vakmanschap in een Veranderende Wereld (VOL) Rebel with a Cause: Maatwerk in de Publieke Sector Besturen op het Snijvlak van Economische Inzichten en Politieke Krachten Uncovering Hidden Injustices: A Serious Game on Fair Decision-Making in the Energy Transition

Who is this anniversary day for?

The programme is for alumni, staff, and (former) employees of the Institute of Public Administration. Students can attend parts of the programme and also participate in activities such as an introduction to traineeships and alumni sessions. They can register in due course via the link provided in Brightspace.


Sign up now and register before 25 November 2024. Please note: places for the workshops are limited, so make sure to register early.

We look forward to welcoming you on this special day and celebrating together what Public Administration has brought us over the past 40 years—and where it can take us in the future!

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