Universiteit Leiden

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Seminar: POPNET Connects with Jolien Cremers

  • Jolien Cremers
Monday 21 October 2024

Unveiling the Social Fabric: A Temporal, Nation-Scale Social Network and its Characteristics

Social networks shape individuals’ lives, influencing everything from career paths to health. Statistics Denmark and Copenhagen Centre for Social Data Science developed a registry-based, multi-layer and temporal network of the entire Danish population in the years 2008-2021 (roughly 7.2 mill. individuals). Our network maps the relationships formed through family, households, neighborhoods, colleagues and classmates. Analysis of the network reveals how past connections reappear later in other layers, that the number of relationships aggregated over time reflects the position in the income distribution, and that we can recover canonical shortest path length distributions when appropriately weighting connections.

About Jolien Cremers

Jolien Cremers is Senior Advisor at the Data Science Lab at Statistics Denmark. She is responsible for maintaining and developing the Danish Nation-Scale Social Network data as well as cooperating with outside researchers on projects that use this data. She obtained her Ph.D. in applied statistics for social science from Utrecht University in 2019. Her previous research was on Bayesian methodology for circular statistics as well as applied statistics for longitudinal models of health and other types of registry data.

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