Universiteit Leiden

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OSCoffee: Open Science and AI - Synergy or Contradiction

Tuesday 8 October 2024

Open Science Community Coffee

Open Science and AI - Synergy or Contradiction

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and, in particular, Large Language Models (LLMs), are rapidly transforming various industries, such as healthcare, finance, and manufacturing, as well as research and higher education. LLMs have the potential to be used for a variety of tasks, including text generation, data analysis, literature review assistance, and peer review. However, the use of AI raises a lot of ethical concerns, including biases, privacy issues, and potential social implications. My presentation aims to analyze the potential consequences of further development of AI in regards to open science, while highlighting both its positive aspects and risks. The regulation of AI remains in its early stages, and major documents in the field of open science do not take into account the emergence of AI and LLMs. As a result, all findings published in open access may be used for training, including for commercial purposes. This situation creates a regulatory gap that needs to be addressed by all the stakeholders: researchers, publishers, universities, and government.

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