Universiteit Leiden

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Opening Herta Mohr

Tuesday 8 October 2024
Herta Mohr
Witte Singel 27A
2311 BG Leiden

The countdown has started: the official opening of the newest Faculty of Humanities building will take place very soon! 


The programme begins at 17.00 with a plenary opening ceremony in the entrance hall of the Herta Mohr Building. Then everyone will have ample opportunity to explore the new building and to meet the people who will be using it. Each institute will introduce itself with its own presentation and visitors who are interested can attend a short lecture on Herta Mohr or the architecture of the building. There will naturally also be time for informal socialising, with drinks and snacks for you to enjoy.


Would you like to attend the opening? Please register by October 2nd via the button below.

Sign up for the opening
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