Universiteit Leiden

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RELIANCE: Hands-on Training School on ASTRA Toolbox and Dynamic Imaging

Monday 2 September 2024 - Friday 6 September 2024
Gorlaeus Building
Einsteinweg 55
2333AL Leiden

RELIANCE Hands-on Training School on ASTRA Toolbox and Dynamic Imaging

This training school/workshop is a combined program of lectures, experiencing actual X-ray imaging at a research facility, and hands-on groupwork on the processing and reconstruction of real-world tomography data.

The training will cover two important topics: (i) using the ASTRA toolbox and other open-source tomography toolboxes for reconstruction, and (ii) the specific problems of dynamic imaging using X-ray CT and strategies for dealing with these problems.

During the week we will record actual dynamic X-ray CT data of a fiber-based material and work in groups on various challenges related to materials characterization based on the acquired data. Based on the experience and preference of the participants, the direction of the group work can be steered towards topics such as denoising, reconstruction, segmentation, and quantification.

The program will have ample time for brainstorming and collaboration, with the specific goal of learning about team-based research where each participant brings their own unique expertise.


The workshop takes place in both Leiden and Amsterdam from 2 to 6 September. 

Please follow this link to the schedule.

Location details

Register here!

The costs for the workshop are 175.00 euros. The fee does not include stay/meals.

Sign up and pay
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