Universiteit Leiden

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LUCSoR at 10: Practising Comparison in the Study of Religion

Friday 1 November 2024
Cleveringaplaats 1
2311 BD Leiden
Flyer for the live show on religion and science on 24 September 2014 that formally marked the founding of LUCSoR

We welcome colleagues, former colleagues, students, and friends to celebrate with us the tenth anniversary of the Leiden University Centre for the Study of Religion (LUCSoR). After an overview of the first ten years of LUCSoR by programme chair Corey Williams, we will explore together the continued relevance of the study of religion through a series of talks on how to practice comparison in research and teaching.

Participation is free, but registration is required. You can register using this form.


9.30     Arrival; coffee and tea
10.00  Welcome (Ab de Jong, academic director LIAS)

10.05  LUCSoR at 10 (Corey Williams, programme chair religious studies)
10.35  The Comparative Religion Network in Leiden (Markus Davidsen, chair comparative religion network)

11.05  Coffee

Session 1 | Chair: Markus Davidsen
11.25  Comparing excommunication (Ed Hayes, UL)
11.55  Comparing antisemitism and islamophobia (Gerard Wiegers, UvA, formerly UL)

12.25  Lunch (Faculty Club)

Session 2 | Corey Williams
13.20  Georg Hornius (1620-1670) and the comparative study of history, peoples and religions in Leiden (Eric Jorink, UL)
13.50  Up in the tree and down in the grave: An ideal-type model for analogical comparison of the dimensions of ambiguity of extra-social beings (Arjan Sterken, RU)
14.20  More than methodological naturalism (Nathal Dessing, UL)

14.50  Coffee

Session 3 | Chair: John-Harmen Valk
15.20  Unwanted and Impossible? The Cross-Cultural and Trans-Historical Comparison of Religious Change (Mattias Brand, Zürich, formerly UL)
15.50  Deep History of Religion (Ab de Jong, UL)
16.20  Wrap-up (Markus Davidsen and Corey Williams)

16.40  Drinks (Faculty Club)

More information: contact Markus Davidsen via m.davidsen@hum.leidenuniv.nl 


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