Universiteit Leiden

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Course | Intervision

Intervision Group on Inclusive Education for Lecturers

Monday 3 February 2025
Langegracht 70
2312 NV Leiden
LLInC Office

Keen to delve into the topic of Inclusive Education, sharing, discussing, and reflecting alongside your peers?

Leiden University is part of a globalised world, and its lecturers are dealing with students and colleagues from all kinds of backgrounds, abilities, genders and world views. This increasing diversity brings many (extra-)curricular lessons and challenges to the classroom. 

Leiden Learning and Innovation Centre (LLInC) specialises in teacher professionalisation and often receives questions related to inclusive education including: how to deal with diversity while ensuring an inclusive and equitable learning environment for all. How to didactically organise inclusive class discussions on heated topics? How to design an inclusive curriculum that integrates various world views?

What is this trajectory & what does it involve?

This intervision trajectory is designed to provide lecturers a safe space where they can share and work on questions or challenges related to inclusive education. Recently, the Diversity and Inclusion Expertise office designed a toolkit on inclusive education that will form the basis for this intervision trajectory. Each intervision session will provide enough time to reflect on the shared input and offers didactical tools on how to move forward with your case. The intervisor will be Najat El Hani.

What is intervision?

Intervision is a learning method that contributes to professional development within your direct learning environment. It is a method which brings similar professionals together who work on related themes and challenges in their work field. The input and experiences which participants share forms the learning material for an intervision session (Twijnstra, 2018). While discussing each case, we use a selection of intervision tools that stimulate active listening, reflection, and feedback skills. In addition, we will specifically use Leiden University’s Inclusive Teaching toolkit to help co-design a didactically embedded solution for each discussed case. The main goal is to work on (improving) teaching cases related to the fields of diversity, inclusion, and equity. This intervision track is a useful opportunity to discuss and (re)design teaching cases while using the inclusive education toolkit under the guidance of a didactical professional.

Planning and commitment

This intervision trajectory organises six meetings in total, with a duration of two hours per session. Each semester we will meet three times on Wednesdays or Fridays between 10.00 – 12.00 (dates, times and location are subject to change, based on availability of the participants).

These sessions strongly depend on the presence and participation of the group. By registering for this trajectory, you commit to it as a learning community that contributes to each other’s learning questions and ambitions in the inclusive education field. Because of this, you are expected to attend all six sessions with a learning mindset and open attitude.

*Please note that the intervision sessions will be held in English.

New dates for the sessions will be planned and communicated in 2025.

You can register to participate here.

A maximum of eight lecturers may join.

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