Universiteit Leiden

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Well-being moment for staff: Summer lunch walk

Tuesday 18 June 2024
See description

Exploring the new season with a lunch walk

Summer is here! Would you like to enjoy the new season during your break from work? Healthy University is organizing lunch walks for university staff in Leiden and The Hague. Whether you have gone on a walks with colleagues during lunch before, or if this is your first time, you are welcome to join this revitalizing lunch walk.

Leiden lunch walk

For the Leiden lunch walk we have arranged free entrance to the Hortus Botanicus. You will be given a map highlighting which plants are in bloom during this time of year and you will be free to explore the Hortus on your own or with a group. If you have a Museumkaart (Museum Card) please bring it so the Hortus employees can scan it.

The starting point is the Hortus botanicus entrance.

The Hague lunch walk

For the lunch walk in The Hague we will go on a short walk to the Italian ice cream parlor: Het IJskabinet, next to the hofvijver. This is a great opportunity to meet some new colleagues while enjoying some free ice cream.

The starting point is the Wijnhaven entrance.

Are you joining us? Don't forget to register

Please register for the lunch walk in Leiden or The Hague via the online form.

Register here

Future lunch walks

Healthy University will be organizing a lunch walk for each change of the seasons. In the mean time we encourage you to go on regular lunch walks with your colleagues, as it is a great way to start the second half of your working day with new energy and focus. Do you want some tips and tricks on how to stay active during your work day? Send an e-mail tohealthyuniversity@bb.leidenuniv.nl, or see the Healthy University dossier.

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