Universiteit Leiden

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YAL and JUL Science meets Art Exposition

Tuesday 11 June 2024
Cleveringaplaats 1
2311 BD Leiden
2.27 (Plenary Session), 2.07, 2.08, 2.17, 2.23, 2.24 (Exposition Rooms)

We would like to invite you to the final event Young Academy Leiden (YAL) and Jong Universiteit Leiden (JUL) are organizing together as part of the Spring of Art and Science!

YAL and JUL Science meets Arts exposition
During this season of interdisciplinarity, we have seen several ways arts and science can interact with each other. In this event, we will exhibit several very nice projects on the boundary between science and arts. Our partners in this event are LIACS Mediatechnology, and ReCNTR, who have contributed the projects in this space. This is a unique opportunity to see what great work on the boundary between science and arts is happening at Leiden University and interact with the artists to learn more about their projects, or these types of projects in general.

Please register here:

Register form


15:00-16:00: Plenary session in which the scientists and artists will explain the creations (2.27)
16:00-18:00: Exposition, in which we will explore the creations from close by (exposition rooms)
18:00 onward: informal drinks (off program) for those who are interested in joining us

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