KAS Symposiaserie: SPACE
- Date
- Monday 11 March 2024
- Time
- Serie
- KAS Symposiaseries
- Address
Cleveringaplaats 1
2311 BD Leiden - Room
- 0.28

How can parents help their children overcome an anxiety disorder or obsessive-compulsive disorder? And how exactly does this work? Learn on 11 March from Dr Eli Lebowitz at the KAS Symposium: SPACE.
About Eli Lebowitz
Dr. Eli Lebowitz is associate professor at the Yale Child Study Center, where he researches and treats anxiety in children and adolescents. His research focuses on the development, neurobiology and treatment of anxiety and related disorders, with special emphasis on cross-generational and family influences in these disorders.
Lebowitz developed the Supporting Parenting of Anxious Childhood Emotions (SPACE) programme. In this evidence-based programme, parents mainly learn what they themselves can change in behaviour to help their child. For example, by responding to their anxious child with more support and understanding, or by gaining insight into how they are unconsciously adapting to their child's anxieties and thus perpetuating them.
Lebowitz also wrote the book Breaking Free of Child Anxiety and OCD: A Scientifically Proven Program for Parents and co-authored Treating Childhood and Adolescent Anxiety: A Guide for Caregivers.
The programme
14:00 - 14:45 Presentation Dr Eli Lebowitz
14:45 - 15:30 Speakers (to be announced)
15:30 - 16:30 Meet the expert
About the Knowledge Centre for Anxiety and Stress in Youth (KAS)
This symposium is organised by the Knowledge Centre for Anxiety and Stress in Youth (KAS). The aim of KAS is to recognise and remedy stress and anxiety symptoms in children as early as possible, by connecting research, practice, care and education. The centre does this through scientific and practice-based research, training and treatment for children and young people with anxiety and stress symptoms, and knowledge sharing through its website, publications, lectures and workshops, among other things.