Universiteit Leiden

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PhD defence

Optical cavities and quantum emitters

  • C. Koks
Thursday 25 January 2024
Academy Building
Rapenburg 73
2311 GJ Leiden


  • Prof.dr. M.P. van Exter
  • Prof.,dr. M.A.G.J. Orrit


Optical cavities are useful tools to enhance the interaction between light and matter, which is important to make good quantum emitters. However, it turns out that the cavities themselves (without any quantum emitters) are already interesting objects to study. When these cavities become very small, non-paraxial effects become important to describe the eigenmodes of the cavity. This thesis describes both the theoretical predictions of the cavity and shows the corresponding experiments.

PhD dissertations

Approximately one week after the defence, PhD dissertations by Leiden PhD students are available digitally through the Leiden Repository, that offers free access to these PhD dissertations. Please note that in some cases a dissertation may be under embargo temporarily and access to its full-text version will only be granted later.

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