Universiteit Leiden

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NIT Day in Leiden

Wednesday 13 December 2023
Rijksmuseum van Oudheden
Rapenburg 28
2311 EW Leiden

During the NIT day, NIT staff, guest researchers, and students present their projects and studies. The theme of the day is Urban Studies of Istanbul. Mehmet Kentel (Institute for History & Urban Studies, Leiden University) will talk about the many panorama paintings that were made over the centuries of Istanbul and about his work on a newly opened exhibition on this topic. Fokke Gerritsen (NIT, LIAS) will present a lecture, co-organized with NINO and EOL, about water heritage in Istanbul and an ongoing project to increase the appreciation of water heritage in times of climate and water crisis.

More information on the program can be found on the website of NIT.

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