Happy Holidays Drinks at Leiden Law School
- Date
- Tuesday 19 December 2023
- Time
- Address
- Kamerlingh Onnes gebouw
Steenschuur 25
Leiden - Room
- Restaurant KOG

Please join us on Tuesday 19 December from 16.00 onwards for Happy Holidays Drinks to celebrate the start of the festive period! All members of staff and student assistants at Leiden Law School are cordially invited.
At this event, we will pay special attention to Ton Liefaard, Stefaan Van den Bogaert and Mirjam Sombroek whose term on the Faculty Board has come to a close. At the Meijers Lecture and New Year’s Reception on 11 January 2024, Joanne van der Leun will be put in the spotlight to mark the conclusion of her deanship.
The programme at the Happy Holidays Event will include a tombola with gifts, music, nibbles and drinks in true Winter Wonderland style! We look forward to ringing in the festive season together.