Join us and meet your fellow research support colleagues at the third Leiden Research Support Conference in PLNT Leiden on Monday 5 June. The conference in Leiden for and by research support professionals.
The Leiden Research Support Network has been in existence for two years and we are moving forward! What are your wishes? What are the challenges? What are your concerns? At the interactive opening, we will discover together what the network offers and asks of us.
1. Open Science is a choice - Let's talk about how we can support this choice
Speaker: Karlijn Hermans, Dan Rudmann and Michelle van den Berk
Leiden’s decision to support Open Science raises important questions: What will Open Science mean for support work? How is Open Science being implemented at Leiden University? What is Open Science? This interactive workshop will ask participants about funder requirements, researchers’ choice, and communal opportunities. We will explore how to support the reciprocity of knowledge at each stage of the research cycle, what it means to help bring about a culture of Open Science, and how we as support staff can contribute to the Open Science ambitions of the university.
2. Are you ready to support interdisciplinary projects?
Speakers: Inge van Houdt (UU), Manon Osseweijer and Petra Kamer
More and more interdisciplinary research is being carried out at our university. For researchers involved there are challenges in terms of scientific knowledge and methodologies, but the implications of interdisciplinary research are also present in research support, if only because we are organized decentral within the university, we work for institutes, faculties and centres of expertise. This interactive workshop invites you to make an inventory of challenges and opportunities for interdisciplinary research support and what role the Research Support Network could play in this.
3. Insight into the research support IT landscape
Speakers: Timar de Haan, Rob Goedemans, Aron van de Pol and Maureen Meekel
Researchers and research support professionals use various software solutions in their day to day work. Throughout the university, different solutions are being used. At the same time, the university has the ambition to redesign its systems and processes. In this session, we will learn from each other’s solutions and discuss what is needed in the domain of research support for the university as a whole.
Get the lowdown on...
Walk around and get the lowdown on... the Research Support Portal, ARMA-NL, the Leiden Research Support Network, Valorisation of research results and in intellectual property rights, Reflection Learning and Development opportunities and the Lorentz Centre. During these walk-in sessions, you will have the opportunity to share your questions and find out everything you always wanted to know about these topics.
4. Supporting researchers with approvals and signatures
Speaker: Petra Kamer, Renate Ridderhof, Anke Klerkx and Bastiaan van Vliet
How do we adapt to the new procedure regarding approval and signing research related contracts and grant documents? During this workshop we will manage to learn more about this new procedure and are able to experience the use of the new flow chart by ourselves. In order to learn this, we will have a look at different parts of this new procedure(financial/legal/grant advisory/registrations).
5. Happiness at work
Speaker: Manon Osseweijer
Do you know exactly what you will bring from your expertise and experience or do you see areas for improvement in your work environment that are necessary to be able to connect and commit to the network? Perhaps you find it difficult enough in your current work to maintain enough joy and job satisfaction? During this workshop you will be introduced to a way to get started, by yourself and with your colleagues: knowing who you are, what your strengths are and how you can manage them will help you to flourish (more) in your work and to start or continue building up the Research Support Network.
6. Making the difference in impact-driven collaborative grants (NWO)
Speaker: Gerdine Stout (NWO)
Two of the five main funding lines of NWO consist of funding instruments aiming at societal impact; (thematic) research in cooperation with external public and private partners (NWA, KIC and NGF). The instruments differ in their ultimate goals (societal impact or economic growth) which is also reflected in the way they are designed and how application procedures are set-up. In this session we will, with support of Gerdine Stout (NWO) and by making use of one or more case studies, explore the differences between the funding instruments, the tools NWO uses to stimulate consortium formation (sandpit, collaborative workshops, etc.) and achieve research proposals focused on societal impact as well as reflect on the role of research support professionals.
7. The support landscape in Leiden: research data management
Speaker: Femmy Admiraal, Dan Rudmann and Hannah Delacey
Due to the recent establishment of a network of professional staff across the faculties at Leiden University supporting RDM has proven to have a significant impact on the landscape of research support, in both planned and unforeseen ways. In order to identify opportunities and gaps that may inform further development of RDM support, we will compare during this interactive session the initial visions for the network with present realities. In addition to this we will reflect on strengthening the RDM supporting community and communication therein.
This conference is part of a series of events organized by the Leiden Research Support programme (LRS). These events focus on building a strong Research Support Network. View the LRS website for a list of more upcoming events. Interesting or relevant for you, put them in your agenda.