International Symposium on Malaria Studies
Towards an Archaeology of Malaria
- Date
- Friday 16 June 2023
- Time
- Address
- Online

About the event
Malaria represents a significant global health threat in our time, and may be a greater still challenge in the future alongside changes in climate, human mobility and residence patterns, and pathogen evolution. However, malaria is also a disease of great antiquity, and understanding how humans have co-existed and been impacted by malarial infections is an important contributor to an informed future response.
The aim of the symposium, which will take place on the 16th of June 2023 at Leiden University, Netherlands, is to bring together researchers from across fields to share current methods and approaches and facilitate a discussion which could set an agenda for future malaria studies in past populations.
If you are interested, please register through Eventbrite.
10:15 AM Welcome and Introduction
10:30 AM Rebecca Gowland - A syndemic approach to the study of malaria in the past
11:00 AM Ellen Kendall - Malaria in early life: stable isotope evidence for diet and disease from early medieval England (AD 5-6th c.)
11:30 AM Break
12:00 PM Chryssa Bourbou - Marshy landscapes and “minute animals”. A multi-disciplinary investigation of the malaria hypothesis at Roman Aventicum, Switzerland (1st-3rd c. AD)
12:30 PM Rachel Schats - Mapping Medieval Malaria. A spatial analysis of cribra orbitalia to investigate malaria distribution and impact in the Netherlands
1:00 PM Lunch break
2:00 PM Alvie Loufouma-Mbouaka & Michelle Gamble - Searching for malaria in ancient human remains by using multidisciplinary approaches
2:30 PM Mallory Cox - Exploring magnetometry as a novel method to identify hemozoin in ancient human remains
3:00 PM Ioana Drăghici - Unveiling malaria's traces through new hemozoin detection techniques
3:30 PM Break
4:00 PM Amanda Cooke - The Winged Scourge. A preliminary history and mapping of malaria in Upper and Lower Canada (1790-1950 CE)
4:30 PM Wrap-up and outlook