Crafting Resilience Kick-Off Conference
- Maartje van der Woude
- Femke Kaulingfreks
- Shivant Jhagroe
- Judi Mesman
- Rudi Roose
- Nicolas Duvoux
- Mariël van Pelt
- Davina Cooper
- Mette-Louise Johansen
- Sarah Bracke
- Date
- Thursday 30 March 2023
- Time
- Address
- Museum Volkenkunde
Steenstraat 1
2312 BS Leiden
Participation in the Crafting Resilience Kick Off is free. Registration is required. Please RSVP via the button below.
Crafting Resilience Conference
The Crafting Resilience Kick Off on 30 March seeks to inspire conversations around new state-citizen relations in the social domain. At this conference, international researchers discuss core questions at the heart of the new NWA Crafting Resilience project: How do welfare and social work reproduce normative ideas? How can we work within such structures to achieve radical change?
Place for Prayer
There is a private space available adjacent to the conference hall for those attending who would like to pray.
9:30 - 10:00 |
Doors open. Coffee, tea and find a seat. |
10:00 - 10:30 | Introduction by Maartje van der Woude |
10:30 - 12:00 |
Addressing difference in state-citizen relations: Round table with Sarah Bracke, Shivant Jhagroe and Judi Mesman. Moderated by Femke Kaulingfreks |
12:00 - 13:15 | Lunch |
13:15 - 14:45 |
Crafting the Social: Discussion with Vanessa Barker, Rudi Roose, Nicolas Duvoux, & Mariël van Pelt |
14:45 - 15:15 | Coffee Break |
15:15 - 17:00 | Keynote by Davina Cooper on prefigurative research methods and possibilities for radical change, with responses fromn Mette-Louise Johansen and Nicolas Duvoux. Moderated by Anouk de Koning |
17:00 - 18:00 | Drinks and snacks @Museum café |
Date & Time
Date: 30 March 2023
Time: 10:00 - 18:00 (including lunch and drinks)
Location: Musuem Volkenkunde, Leiden
Registration: RSVP by filling out the registration form.
NWA research project Crafting Resilience: Politics and Practice
This conference is part of the new NWA research project Crafting Resilience: Politics and Practice, which will investigate the dilemmas and pitfalls of new collaborations between state actors and citizens in the Netherlands, and suggest ways for them to become more effective, democratic, and just. The core themes of the project include: intersectional inequalities, policy trends, new state-citizen relations in the social domain, and the role of social workers in crafting more just and democratic welfare worlds. The program is led by three PIs: Femke Kaulingfreks (lector Youth and Society, Inholland University), Anouk de Koning (CAOS, Leiden University), and Maartje van der Woude (VVI, Leiden University).
About the speakers
Anouk de Koning
Anouk de Koning is Associate Professor at the Department of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology, where she co-leads the interdisciplinary research program Social Citizenship and Migration. She is one of the principle investigators of the Crafting Resilience project.
Maartje van der Woude
Maartje van der Woude is Professor of Legal Sociology. Her expertise lies in (anti)terrorism, border control, immigration, law enforcement, public order and security. She combines legal and empirical research methods to look at the law in the books and the law in action from the perspective of citizens, individuals, organizations and institutions. She is one of the principle investigators of the Crafting Resilience project.
Femke Kaulingfreks
Femke Kaulingfreks is Lecturer for Youth and Society at the Health, Sports and Welfare domain. Her research focuses on the empowerment of young people in vulnerable positions, with a particular emphasis on youth empowerment in the neighborhood, resilient growth, and changing craftsmanship of youth professionals. She is one of the principle investigators of the Crafting Resilience project.
Nicholas Duvroux
Nicolas Duvoux is a professor of sociology at Paris 8 University who specializes in social solidarity, poverty, and philanthropy. He has written several books and published numerous articles and press releases. He was a Visiting Scholar at Harvard University from 2012-2013 and has been a guest lecturer in Russia, Lithuania, Canada, the United States, Switzerland, and Belgium.
Sarah Bracke
Sarah Bracke is a University of Amsterdam Professor of Sociology of Gender and Sexuality. She joined the UvA’s Sociology Department in 2017 and has worked as co-director of ARC-GS, the Amsterdam Research Centre of Gender and Sexuality, since 2019. In her early career, she worked as a senior researcher at the Center of Expertise on Gender, Diversity, and Intersectionality (RHEA) at the Vrije Universiteit Brussels and as Associate Research Professor of Sociology at Ghent University.
Rudi Roose
Prof. Dr. Rudi Roose is a Professor of Social Work at Ghent University, in the Department of Social Work and Social Pedagogy. He earned his degrees in Educational Sciences and Criminology. Prior to joining the university, he was employed in a child protection unit and with people with disabilities, both as a care worker and a manager. His teaching focuses on social work theories and youth care, while his research centres on how social practitioners can create socially just practices in an environment that is largely driven by managerial ideas.
Davina Cooper
Davina Cooper is a research professor of law and political theory at King’s College London. From 2018-22, she was the director of the ESRC funded research project on the Future of Legal Gender, which looked into the implications and stakes of abolishing legal sex and gender status. In October 2022, Davina began a two-year Leverhulme Major Research Fellowship on conceptual activism, prefigurative politics and gender. Her research examines re-conceptualizations of the state, gender, property, and equality through a variety of methods, and investigates different forms of state and non-state governance; from everyday utopias to municipal state activism, with a particular focus on governance innovations and conflicts related to gender, sexuality, and religion.
Shivant Jhagroe
Dr. Shivant Jhagroe is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Public Administration at Leiden University. His research focuses on the relationship between humans and non-humans in politics and policy, particularly in ecology and digital technology. He is interested in the changes in socio-material regimes and practices, and the implications for governing, knowledge, power, and inequality. Through his research, he hopes to create policy-relevant perspectives that will lead to more sustainable, democratic, and equitable futures. His current teaching activities involve climate governance, the energy transition, and sustainable urbanism.
Judi Mesman
Dr. Judi Mesman is a professor at Leiden University, specializing in the interdisciplinary study of societal challenges. She focuses on the intergenerational transmission of attitudes and behaviours related to social justice, such as racism, sexism, homophobia, and other forms of inequality, both at the individual and institutional levels. In 2018, she was elected to the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. She has also been awarded competitive research grants from NWO Veni, Vidi, Vici, ERC Starting and Consolidator, and was the recipient of the 2021 Stevin Prize for the societal impact of her research program.
Mariël van Pelt
Mariël van Pelt is the senior advisor for professionalization of social work at Movisie, the national knowledge institute for addressing social issues. She was previously the project manager for creating and organizing a new master's program in Social Work at the HAN University of Applied Sciences.
Mette-Louise Johansen
Mette-Louise E. Johansen is an anthropologist by training and her research interests are the prevention of crime, violence and terrorism in environments characterized by inequality and social vulnerability. Her research is mainly based on ethnographic fieldwork and qualitative methods.